Step 1: Read over our Statement of Faith, which consists of two sections: our Statement of Basic Beliefs and Doctrinal Positions.
Our Statement of Faith and Doctrinal Positions may be found on our website here or we would be happy to give you a copy.
The Statement of Basic beliefs consists of the most foundational and biblical doctrines of the Christian Faith. While church members are not required to fully explain all aspects of these doctrines, the explicit rejection of any of these basic beliefs will disqualify one from membership at SGC.
Our Doctrinal Positions are doctrinal affirmations we believe to be clearly taught in Scripture and therefore will be taught at SGC. Though this list is not comprehensive, it serves to summarize some of the more prominent points of distinction that may distinguish our teaching and affirmations from other groups.
Should a member or prospective member dissent or disagree with any of the Doctrinal Positions, he or she may remain qualified for membership at the discretion of the elders. However, the member or prospective member must agree to refrain from practicing any sinful behavior contrary to any of these positions; must refrain from participation in any behavior that would undermine teaching on these issues, or promote divisiveness among church members; and must remain able and willing to maintain fellowship and peace with the rest of the congregation in areas of disagreement.
Step 2: Meet with one of the pastors
The purpose of this meeting is to affirm that you have believed in Jesus as taught by the Bible - that he is God who became a man, lived a sinless life of perfect obedience to his Father, died on the cross, and rose from the dead, and are in agreement with our basic beliefs and doctrinal positions (as described above). It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you would have about the church and if you so desire to let us know you’d like to become a member of the church. If you prefer you can wait until a later time to become a member but if you are in basic agreement with our beliefs and doctrinal positions as described above you can become a member immediately. If you have not yet joined a fellowship group when you become a member, we would encourage you to do that as well.
We occasionally welcome new members on a Sunday morning, to introduce them to the church and celebrate God’s adding them to us. On those Sundays we have new members come up on stage with their families and introduce themselves to the church. Obviously if someone prefers to not come on stage that is fine.
Step 3: Consider taking our Saving Grace 101 Course
This course explains the core doctrines and values we have as a church. We would encourage everyone to take this course either before becoming a member or sometime after. The course consists of six meetings and we offer it at least once a year. You can find out more information about Saving Grace 101 here.