Women's Ministry
upcoming Women's events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...
Women's ministry
planning team
Celia Barber
Caroline Killam
Caroline Killam is married to Jason, and they have three children. She enjoys coffee, playing Pickleball, walking with friends, and learning new things. She teaches seventh grade English, tutors students in reading after school, and is always in the midst of reading a good book. She is thrilled to be in the Ephesians Bible Study, and looking forward to learning alongside so many wonderful women!
Denise Hudson
Denise has been attending Saving Grace Church since 2000. She also serves as a receptionist in the Kids' Cove on Sunday mornings. Denise and her husband, Scott, have 3 sons.
Cynthia Snyder
Cynthia has been at the church since its beginning, nearly 40 years. She has been involved with Children’s Ministry, Worship Team, Home-school Co-op, Youth Camp Volunteer, Steps to Freedom study and others. She is currently involved with Women’s Ministry, Bible Studies, Prayer Team, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Jail Ministry.
Mary Ann Kisic
Mary Ann is happily retired after working in the I/T field for 43 years. She is a member of the Women's Ministry Planning Team, helping with women's events such as "Caring and Sharing Sisters," and she is also a Sunday morning Counter. Mary Ann and her husband, Joe, have one son, Jesse.
Olivia VanHorn
Olivia is a stay-at-home mom. In addition to serving on the Women's Ministry Planning Team, Olivia is a member of the Prayer Team. She and her husband, Ryan, have 2 daughters.
melissa baum
Melissa, originally from Georgia, has served Christ in different ways for different ministries throughout the years. Now living in Latrobe, PA, she and Jordan started attending Saving Grace Church in 2019. She currently serves in Kids’ Cove and the Women’s Ministry. Melissa enjoys nature, art, reading, baseball games, spending time with her three kids, and fellowship with friends and family.
Deanna VanHorn
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