It is our desire that every member of Saving Grace Church be using their gifts, talents and abilities to actively participate in our missions to love God, love others and reach the world for Christ. 

“...God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.”

- Francis Chan, Crazy Love

Active in Service

But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

Mark 10:43-45 (ESV)

Children's Ministry

Do you enjoy working with kids? Come make an impact in the lives of our children by joining our Children's Ministry Volunteer Team!  Volunteer needs include our Sunday Kids' Cove Classes, our 1 Day Summer Camp, and kids' games and activities at our church events.

All applicants must be at least 12 years old. Volunteer applicants for Kids' Cove must be members of Saving Grace Church or children of members (if under the age of 18). All volunteers ages 18+ will need child abuse and criminal record clearances and must fill out the church release form. If you do not have clearances, you will need to apply for those through the church at no cost to you. 

Coffee Bar

Are you an aspiring barista? We're extremely grateful for our Coffee Bar team that provides the rest of us with caffeine each Sunday. If you're interested in helping to brew and serve coffee at our Sunday services, sign up below!


Our church hosts a number of events throughout the year as a way to promote fellowship in our church, serve other local churches, and reach out to our community. To pull these events off, we always require a large team of faithful volunteers to serve in areas ranging from food preparation to parking crew to set up and tear down.

For volunteering with Kids' Games and Activities at our special events, please complete the Children's Ministry Application Form.

First Impressions Team

Do you like meeting new people? Come join our First Impressions Team! We are looking for faithful people with friendly faces to help make new people feel welcome and get plugged into the church. If you'd like to serve as a greeter at our front doors or in our Welcome Center & Connect Center, apply here!

Mercy Ministry

Are you willing to share your gifts and skills with members of the body who are in need? We are seeking servants with a desire to occasionally bless others with their abilities. Please know that completing this form is not a commitment to serve every time a need arises. If you are contacted, you will simply be asked about your availability to serve at that time.

Prayer Team

Do you want to commit to pray for people in our church? We have a team of folks at the church who are committed to regular prayer at different times, whether it's at our pre-service prayer meeting, in the main room at the end of our service, or throughout the week. 

Tech Team

Do you enjoy working with sound or with technology? Come join our Tech Team! Our goal every Sunday is to foster an environment where we as a church can be drawn into worshipping Jesus. We are looking for some committed folks who want to help make our Sunday worship happen, whether it's running the sound board, projecting visuals, running lights, or recording the sermon. You can apply using the form below!

Applicants for Tech Team must be members of Saving Grace Church.


Come join our Ushers Team! We are looking for faithful people with friendly faces to help make our Sunday service happen and to help make new people feel welcome. If you'd like to serve as an usher, apply here!

To serve as an usher, you must be a member of Saving Grace Church. All ushers will need child abuse and criminal record clearances, and must fill out the church release form. If you do not have clearances, we will need to apply for those through the church at no cost to you.

Worship Team

Are you a singer or musician? Do you have a desire to serve on our Worship Team? We are looking for gifted folks who are passionate about worshipping Jesus Christ and about stirring others in corporate worship. If you are interested in joining our Worship Team, you can apply using the form below! 

Applicants for Worship Team must be members of Saving Grace Church.

Youth Ministry

Come make an impact in the lives of our teens by joining our Youth Ministry Helper Team! Needs include serving at our Transform youth group, our teen Bible Studies, and our annual Youth Camp in June.

All helpers will need child abuse and criminal record clearances and must fill out the church release form. If you do not have clearances, you will need to apply for those through the church at no cost to you.